The Great Link Quest of 2006
Yes Indeedy Feed the Needy!!!
And so far The Great Link Quest of 2006 has been splendidilyicous!!!
Bite Me!
Now here's the dealeooo... see if you don't link... nobody knows you're out there... kinda like the tree falling down in the woods and stuff... very Kafkaish... Metaphysical... Da Bomb!
So last night... in a desperate attempt at self gratification and acknowledgement... I did set out upon the Blogoshere and began a campaign of Linkage with fellow Packer Backer web sites. (Pssssst... look over there to the right... no your other right... see the Link section... yea that one!)
The Response was FANtastic... as I knew it would be... Pack Fans are the shizzle!
So with that in mind...
Hey if ya wanna Linkypooh with me (all the cool kids are doing it) just send me a email at (yeah yeah... stupid name... I'll explain someday) and remember to write something piffy in the subject line like... "Me wanna exchange Link thingies" so I wont delete your spammy looking butts!
Also... if you'd like to contribute articles to my site... feel free to email them to me... you'll get a Big Fat credit link back to ya and a lifetime supply of email ink.
Now I'd like to show you some of the emails and response I've gooten back...
Hey Pat ... yeah I reckon a link to your site sounds fine. I've been toying with the idea of a blog myself but haven't got around to it. Maybe visitors to the Packer Backer from Downunder site might call by here to now.
I have some Chewy cards in my collection and always felt that he was dealt with pretty hashly by the Packers organisation. I also thought he was actually a bit of a scapegoat at the time. It's always hard to pick apart the truth from the media spin.
Speaking of the good old "Bag 'o Doughnuts" you may have also noticed that I mainatin a Frank Winters site as well.
For some reason it's the only Fan site on the web???
Hey Pat,
Like your site, no problem with the link, I just set
one up for you at Packer Palace.
I wonder if Brett is helping the TT & MM bluff a
little with the draft, even as it hits frenzied
proportions as everyone wants to know what #4 will do.
I'm starting to like that TE Vernon Davis for our
draft pick...
Have a good one...
Norby, aka BeerKid
And I got this email from the Cheese Head University
Greetings Cheeseheads, We have just gotten an invitation at to take part in a National Tailgating Competition in Las Vegas, Nevada on July 22nd. We are going to pair up with a couple other organizations for sponsorship and representation in Wisconsin and send a huge "Strike Force" of die hard Cheeseheads. This event is to receive a slew of national attention from Late Night Talk Shows, to ESPN, National News Networks and Radio. It is also the venue for a feature in Sports Illustrated! We have a chance to not only represent, but We are compiling some of the most notable characters in the Packer Community, like the Packelope, Arch Bishop Lombardi and Captain Cheese to lead a Cheesehead Army. We are in the beginning phases of putting together a Beer Garden with Polka Bands. We want a huge showing if we commit. I am starting to formulate a team and am looking for initial interest. If you or your group has an interest in this event and have any ideas that will help us further the effort, please shoot me an email and let me know. Feel free to forward this on to others and help us in the initial grass roots campaign. I travel on business this week, but will respond this weekend. This would make for a fun weekend with the family or friends, as Las Vegas has much to offer on so many fronts. I am compiling a list for future information, so let me know!
Craig P.
The Packer Pundit
Okay well not that Chewy and he sorta lost by winning!
Every Tuesday on ESPN Radio's Mike and Mike in the Morning they run a segmant called "Just Shut Up!" where they poll their listeners to determine which outlandish quote from the world of sports makes their fans want to tell the person saying it to... JUST SHUT UP!!!
This morning the recorded a record number of votes and Brett Favre came in second with his now famous interview... "What are they going to do... cut me?"
But coming in first was Mark Chmura with {Referring to Brett} "He's a selfish guy... a very selfish guy."
Link from my Post on Chewy's remarks
It was a Packer Pissy fit and we came in first and second!!!
Published by PackerPundit On Tuesday, April 04, 2006 at 6:47 PM.

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