I haven't posted lately because I developed a Sciatic Nerve problem. I wont go into details... just resat assured... you don't want one. My daughter Erica just graduated from Graduate School and is a Physical Therapist. She actually worked with some of the enemy (The Philly Eagles) while learning her trade. Last night I was able to recoup some of my expenses on her education as her advice was most helpful in relieving my pain.
So here... in a nutshell... is what's been going on...
The Pre-season schedule is out and here it is...
Aug. 10-14, at San Diego Chargers
Aug. 17-21, Atlanta Falcons
Mon., Aug. 28, at Cincinnati Bengals, 7 p.m., ESPN
Of course... that's not written in stone... or on paper... or even jello...
(Article from GB Post Gazette) emphasis mineThe Green Bay Packers would like to know as soon as possible whether Brett Favre will be their quarterback this season, but they haven’t set a Saturday deadline for his decision.
Though the team and Favre’s agent moved back the date for Favre to earn his $3 million roster bonus from March 20 to April 1, that later date — as previously reported — is artificial. Favre doesn’t receive the money until September, and then only if he’s with the team. So in reality, it’s a September roster bonus. Some national media outlets have interpreted the April 1 date as a firm deadline and reported it as such.
A source close to the situation said Favre was upset Tuesday night when he saw an ESPN report that the Packers have asked for his decision by Saturday; no one from the team has expressed any such deadline to him.
When the Packers and Favre’s agent, Bus Cook, moved back the date of the roster bonus to April 1, they no doubt were hoping to have the situation resolved by then. Favre talked with coach Mike McCarthy earlier this month and has been speaking with General Manager Ted Thompson each week, so he knows the Packers want to know sooner than later whether he’s coming back. But several sources close to the situation said that while April 1 might be a target date, it isn’t a deadline. McCarthy confirmed that Wednesday night.
“I don’t know where that got flipped,” McCarthy said. “No different than the March 20 date. The word ‘deadline’ never came out of my mouth. There’s no deadline.” McCarthy said he expects to talk to Favre within the next couple of days.
While the Packers are getting closer to the point where they need to know Favre’s decision, they’re not there yet or they would have asked Favre for a firm deadline.
SHOULD HE STAY OR SHOULD HE GOUh Oh... Javon Walker's Step father says Javon's serious... he aint coming back... soooo... ummmm... trade him. (I think he's been getting advice from Mike McKenzie on this) Thompson says "Bite Me!" but we'll listen to any trade offers...
(Article from Wisconsin State Journal)
Regardless of Javon Walker's continued adamancy about never playing for them again, and despite feelers from other clubs about his availability, the Green Bay Packers don't plan on caving into the wide receiver's trade demands. That said, Packers general manager Ted Thompson isn't going to ignore any team that asks about Walker, either. "You always listen to people," Thompson said Tuesday during a break in the NFL annual meetings at the Hyatt Grand Cypress resort. "But our stance hasn't really changed."My Take: Listen... if we can get a #1 draft pick off the Bronco's or Houston's #2... I say go for it. The guy has one great year... granted... but then he starts crap last year... gets into a pissing match in the media... then goes all "Boo hoo! I can't play there... I have my honor and pride."
Oh yeah Javon... you were all set to swallow that pride and catch passes off of Brett last year till you got hurt.
Published by PackerPundit On Thursday, March 30, 2006 at 7:03 PM.

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