Okay so before I get started on this... I need to get something off my chest... my 2 pennies worth... I heart me some Mark Chmura! Big Time!!!!
I am a Penn State Alumni and live 10 minutes from the PSU Altoona Campus and a mere 35 minutes (if I get all the lights) from State College... aka the Nittany Lion Den! I can clearly remember the game in which Chewy and Boston College just ate the Lions up... I think Mark had like 700 catches for like 90 miles of yards and 47 touchdowns... I'm a little foggy on some of the details but I'm almost positive he was parking cars in the parking lot... popping the pop corn at the concession stand... and as memory serves me... cured all known diseases to man and... walked on water.
Regardless... he had a Monster game! When the Pack snatched him up in the draft... I was happier than Bill Clinton in a room full of Female Interns. And speaking of Clinton...
I heart Mark because he refused to meet with "Der-Slickster".
In 1998, Chmura refused to meet with United States President Bill Clinton at the White House following the Packers Super Bowl XXXI win. Chmura, a popular fixture at Republican fund-raisers, said at the time that he had lost respect for President Clinton over the Monica Lewinsky scandal and could not bear to shake his hand.
Okay that all said... when Chewy was accused of Raping his 17 year old babysitter... I was torn. I have a daughter that was 18 at that time sooooo...
Yet... all things considered... in America... we're innocent until proven guilty!
Unless you are Mark Chmura... the Packer Press and (LISTEN TO ME NOW) the Packer Fans treated Mark like a Red headed step-child. They had him convicted and called for his release. I was appalled at the Letters to the Editor I read in the Packer Report. They were 100% Let's just skip the trial and find us a rope and a tree limb to hang him.
I watched as much of the hearing on Court TV that I could... I wasn't real proud of Mark.
Getting drunk with High School kids???
Being alone with the 17 year old in the jacuzzi???
My daddy instincts kicked in and I wasn't pleased!!!!
But... a jury (7 men and 5 women) of his peers found Mark Innocent of the Rape charge.
He was a free man! And a month later... A Free Agent!
The Pack cut him (a 3 time Pro Bowler) even though he had 3 years left on his contract. "Member now... we drafted Bubba Franks?"
So I say all that to prefice this... when Chewy was down his friends came to his aide... errrrrr... let me rephrase that... his Friend Singular... came to his aid...
Center Frank Winters.
Not his room mate... Brett Favre.
No... Brett didn't call him once during the whole ordeal and didn't make a statement untill after the trial was over.
Jacked from the MJS
Article written June 14, 2000
Publicly, the Packer players interviewed last week were going along with the team's explanation for the decision. Quarterback Brett Favre made his first public comments about Chmura since the allegations were made, but said he hadn't talked to him since then.
Winters, who has publicly supported Chmura for the last several weeks, again criticized public and media reaction to the story."I never said he was innocent; I just said you guys never give anybody a chance," Winters said. "There are some reporters in this locker room that have just been ripping him. And I'll tell you something, you guys don't know half of what is going on. I know I don't know half of what is going on, but I know a lot more than you guys do.
"Everybody jumps to conclusions and it's a shame that, because of who you are in this business, everybody just kind of rips you. I'm not saying he's innocent, I'm just saying let it take its course. Let him have his due process like everybody in America does. That's all he is asking for.
"There are a lot of facts that haven't come out that you don't know about or may know about but you tend not to write about them."
Well Payback is a Bitch and he wears #89
Chewy ripped into Brett Sunday morning on his Sports Talk Radio Show...
Chmura: Favre is selfish
MILWAUKEE, WI- This Sunday on the Miller Lite Football Show on Milwaukee’s ESPN Radio, 3 time Packer Pro Bowler Mark Chmura commented on his former teammate and close friend Packer Quarterback Brett Favre.
On Favre’s indecision regarding the 2006 season:
“People who don’t think that it’s all about him are fooling themselves. With a quote like “What are they gonna do, cut me?” It’s all about him.”
“Where it’s hypocritical, is he’s very critical of Javon Walker and he’s not a team player, you know he (Walker) doesn’t care about the team, well what’s he doing now? I mean does he think this is the best thing possible for the team. I mean, they have one quarterback on the roster who they like, who hasn’t even started one NFL game. They have to know.”
“These quotes are “I am bigger than the team, I will make my decision when I want, and (Packer GM) Ted Thompson and (Packer Head Coach) Mike McCarthy aren’t gonna tell me what to do.”
On Favre’s lack of support for him during his legal troubles in 2000:
“He’s a selfish guy. He’s a very selfish guy. And what people don’t know, I’m not going to say this to throw the guy under the bus, but this is a guy from my arrest to my acquittal never called me one time.”
“It was disappointing, but you know you find out what people are made of, what there all about, and I’ll tell you what. The friends I have now, I wouldn’t trade them for anything.”
“You know I got more calls and letter from the old timers. Fuzzy Thurston. Jerry Kramer. Ron Kramer.”
On Favre’s possible motivation for returning:
“Then he had the other quote in the news paper saying if he comes back this is “definitely his last year.” Well, the Packers aren’t going to the Super Bowl; they aren’t close to going to the Super Bowl. I think if they keep going in the direction they are they can go 8-8, 9-7. Why come back? Why, if it’s not the money?”
The Miller Lite Football show with Mark Chmura and Craig Karmazin airs every Sunday 8am-10am on Milwaukee’s ESPN Radio 1510 days 1290 nights.
As the French say... Touche'
Then again... the French are weird!
Published by PackerPundit On Monday, April 03, 2006 at 7:09 PM.

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