Here's another interesting take on the Brett Favre Press Conference Debacle from's analyst Adam Schefter.
Adam compares Brett to the Grinch that stole Christmas.
"You're a Meaaaaan one....Mister Favre!"
Basically robbing young children of their God given right to waste a perfectly good Saturday morning watching cartoons. (Linkage)
Favre's Decision? Tune In Next Time
In one of the last improbable acts of his already storied career, Packers quarterback Brett Favre upstaged SpongeBob, the Wiggles and Dora the Explorer. Favre became the must-see TV that early morning risers had to watch, the alternative to the kids' favorite cartoons.
A Super Bowl hero trumping superheroes. Favre took over Saturday morning the way he once did with Sunday afternoons and Monday nights. Football fans young and old tuned in to Cottonwoods Golf course, the only other relevant golf course this weekend aside from Augusta National, just to see whether Favre would pull down his own curtain or tell the Packers to leave it up for another year. This was the play call that Green Bay, the Packers and the rest of the football world has waited to hear. Yet it turned out to be a false alarm. This time, despite the statement from a family friend that Favre would make his future known Saturday, there was no audible. Instead, Favre practically went inaudible, sighing how there was no change and he still was unsure about what to do. In what turned out to be the most unsatisfying conclusion of all, Favre called his own personal delay of game. For who knows how long. Favre had provided so many fantastic finishes. But this time, there would be no Morning Glory. For one Saturday morning, Favre turned himself from one of the game's great quarterbacks into a human alarm clock, getting much of the country to wake up with him. (Edit: Me included) Now a different clock is waiting to go off on Favre. Everyone waits to see if it sounds the end of his career or calls him back for one more year. The clock is ticking.

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