You Must Respect My Author-A-Tieeee
As predicted Last Wednesday by The Packer Pundit...
(or as my mom calls me... her son)
Brett Favre will be making an announcement as to his retirement this morning at a Press Confy held from his Gollf Tourney. (8:30 Est.)
For my next feet of spectacular prognistication...
I predict my phone will be ringing off the hook from all the Wisconsin News Outlets to find out how I was able to accomplish what it took them til Friday afternoon to report...
First here GB Press Gazette
Favre will speak up; has he decided?
Brett Favre is likely to be asked about his future today when he holds a 7:30 a.m. press conference at his charity golf tournament in Tunica, Miss., but there is no clear indication the Green Bay Packers quarterback will announce either his retirement or his return to the team for the 2006 NFL season.
In an exclusive interview with the Green Bay Press-Gazette on Thursday night, (I predicted it Wednesday) Favre said he may have a decision by this weekend or early next week.
An Associated Press report on Friday indicating Favre would announce his decision this morning couldn’t be verified. Packers coach Mike McCarthy said through a team spokesman that he had nothing new to report on Favre’s future. (Mike... start reading the Packer Pundit... I'll keep ya in the know)
Also go here MJ Sentinel
Close to the vest / Favre could reveal decision Saturday
If Green Bay Packers quarterback Brett Favre is going to announce this morning whether he'll retire, it is news to some, including many of those closest to him and the Packers. (Heck... I may have known before Deanna Favre, Doug Pederson or even Bus Cook)
According to Becky Stuart, a personal assistant to Favre's wife, Deanna, Favre will announce his decision at a 7:30 a.m. news conference today. Stuart told The Associated Press that Favre would divulge his future plans at a news conference usually held to discuss developments with the "Brett Favre Fourward Foundation," which is hosting the annual golf fund-raiser this weekend. However, Favre's agent, James "Bus" Cook, said late Friday evening that he was not aware of such a development and when he arrived at the fund-raiser, he asked Favre if an announcement was pending. Cook said Favre indicated to him that he had not said he was going to announce his decision whether to retire.
(Doug) Pederson, who retired before last season and was Favre's closest friend on the team the past couple of years, said Favre didn't tell him what he planned to do during a round of golf Friday that was interrupted by a thunderstorms and hail. But he didn't hide the fact that he thought Favre was concerned about the team's inactivity this off-season in rebuilding the roster.
All this said... No indication has been given as to weither Brett Will Retire or Play Another season. His Press Confrence will be on soon soooooo...
(More to come)
Published by PackerPundit On Saturday, April 08, 2006 at 8:26 AM.

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