And his decision is...
No Decision yet.
And so... another day goes bye in the Brett Favre Soap Opera and the Consecutive Games Played Streak remains at 221.
Okay it's 9:34 Est as I start writing this and I'm currently watching the spectacle that is the BRETT FAVRE RETIREMENT / NON-RETIREMENT ANNOUNCEMENT / NON-ANNOUNCEMENT PRESS CONFERENCE.
What a Joke!
First off... Brett let stand the Associated Press Story that he'd make an announcement today.
Then... they push the press conference back half an hour to 9am (est)
Then... they waste 27 more minutes as the NFL Network brought us lovely images of people taping banners to the pillars and still setting up chairs and tables.
Then Finally... Brett comes out and toys around with the media saying, "I wont say a thing." (laughter)
First Question... Well????
Then Brett announces... "I don't know yet."
It's now 9:41 am and the NFL is cutting away from this Non-Event
In summation...
What... a Joke!!!
I can't believe Brett is pulling this crap. Either play or don't. It has now gone beyond rediculous! As I waited for the News Conference to begin... I got weird vibes both ways... that he'd play... and that he'd retire. And ya know what? It was Okay either way! I don't speak for all Packers fans (thank you Mr. Obvious) but I bet'ya I speak for alot of them when I write...
It's Okay...
It's Okay if you want to retire... you have nothing to prove to me or anyone else. You will always have a place in our hearts as "The Guy" who brought the Title back to Titletown.
It's Okay if you want to retire... you have nothing to prove to the NFL about commissioning that bronze bust to placed in Canton.
It's Okay if you want to retire... the Packers drafted Aaron Rodgers last year and hopefully... he can play up to NFL standards in the near future. He we all understand rebuilding... alot of us die hards lived through the rebuilding of the 1970's... the 1980's... and part of the 90's.
It's Okay if you want to play... Let's face it Packer Backers... when he's on... nobody... NOBODY is better in the NFL. He's not lost any of his skill... and is still the strongest armed "Gunslinger" out there!
It's Okay if you want to play... I've no doubt alot of people are waiting your decision. Free Agents DO tend to want to go where they think they have the best shot at winning. With you as QB... they get a warm and fuzzy 'bout the Pack.It's Okay It's Okay It's Okay...
You're saying "There's alot of time till the season starts." Is like Noah saying... "Hey... it's just a couple of drops of rain... we've got lot's of time to get the Wholly Mammoth's... Saber Tooth Tigers... and Dinosaurs on the Boat!"
Published by PackerPundit On Saturday, April 08, 2006 at 10:42 AM.

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