Hey man... *toke* ...have you read the latest... *toke* ...about Brett Favre?
Seems... wait a sec... it's going out... *toke* ...it seems this dude from *toke* TheNewsTribune.com thinks the Packers will... hold on... *toke* ... the Packers will... the Packers will...

Wow Man... how long have I been sitting here? Is it still Saturday?
| Brett Favre a Seahawk? Nutty, maybe, but it makes sense to me By John *toke* McGrath, The News Tribune
As Brett Favre continues to ponder retirement with a hem-and-haw dance not unlike the hokey-pokey – you put your left foot in, you put your left foot out, you appear at hastily arranged April press conference and wonder what the commotion is all about – a school of thought is building that Favre isn’t ready to leave football.
Brett Favre could be available. The Seahawks are looking for a veteran to back up Matt Hasselbeck – not only to assure stability in the event Hasselbeck suffers an injury, but to expand Seneca Wallace’s role from second-team quarterback to Steelers-style slash man. As in: Receiver / returner / gadget-play passer.
Oh, and what might the Packers demand in return? A package, presumably, heavy on draft picks – the kind of guys who’d have minimum impact by their absence on a team with designs on returning to the Super Bowl. Then again, given the headaches Favre has caused the Packers with his indecision, one suspects they’d settle for a package that included a fluffy pillow and a couple of aspirin.
And this is what passes as News Articles in Seattle???
You know what I always say...
Better living through Chemistry!

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