Save the Cheerleaders!
Regular readers of the Packer Pundit (both of you) know that every Game day I post pictures and a bio of one of the cheerleaders from the team the Packers are playing that day. I'm running a Poll question (because I can... shut up) to find out how many of you enjoy 'this feature' and wish it to continue. I even 'jacked' the Heroes quote and made it my own... 'Save the Cheerleader... Save the Blog' and I included a picture of that TV series hottie and said cheerleader... Hayden Panettiere. (She just turned 18 so she's legal... shut up... shut up!)
So vote to save the cheerleader!
So vote to save the cheerleader!
Published by PackerPundit On Monday, September 03, 2007 at 5:34 AM.
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